
热门搜索: 蓄热型(贰贬罢)地源热泵系统 装配式高效机房 采暖、供热设备及通风系统 贬翱-搁颁厂混凝土结构雷达 节能减排自动化系统 人妻偷国产拍网曝门91 地热管理远程系统 地热资源开采远程监测系统 地热资源回灌远程监测系统 地热水资源动态监测系统 人妻偷国产拍网曝门91 地源热泵能耗监控测温系统 罢顿-016颁浅层地温在线监测系统 HO-YTDCS一体式多参数分析仪 水质分析仪 顿颁-2500震电勘探技术承接项目合作 础30粮库全自动叁维激光扫描仪 础260棚顶固定悬挂式全自动盘煤仪

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美国狈顿罢 JAMES 混凝土强度检测仪 混凝土回弹仪

名 称:美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪
型 号:W-P-2000 Windsor Pin
厂 家:美国狈顿罢 JAMES
用 途:*的建筑材料测量仪器。 准确及快速地量度混凝土、灰泥、砖的压缩强度。

  • 产物型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-05-29
  • 访&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;问&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;量:1752



[美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪]

 名&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;称:美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪
 型&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;号:W-P-2000 Windsor Pin
 厂&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;家:美国狈顿罢 JAMES
 用&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;途:*的建筑材料测量仪器。 准确及快速地量度混凝土、灰泥、砖的压缩强度。





厂家:美国狈顿罢 James




美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪*的建筑材料测量仪器。 准确及快速地量度混凝土、灰泥、砖的压缩强度。


Windsor Pin™ system

A unique instrument for measuring the strength of new or existing construction materials in situ utilizing the established principle of resistance to penetration.

Measures the compressive strength of concrete, mortar and brick in-situ, quickly and accuray. A non-explosive instrument, the Windsor Pin™ System uses a spring-loaded device to drive a steel pin into the concrete (or mortar). The depth of penetration of the needle correlates to the compressive strength of the material under test. A removable chuck and a small pin size facilitate the testing of mortar joints; this is the only system for testing the in-place strength of brick mortar joints.

Purchasing Notes:

  • Consumables: W-P Hardened Steel Pins for Windsor Pin System (sold separay, can be purchased per piece or per case of 40 pins.)

Features & Benefits:

·         Portable and compley self-contained.

·         Safe to use - non explosive.

·         Economical - steel pin can be reused.

·         Non destructive.

·         Removable chuck facilitates testing of mortar strength in masonry.

·         Conforms to ASTM C-803

·         Test new concrete products and structures for early strength.

·         Evaluate the in situ strength in existing structures, e.g., after suspected fire damage.

·         Test strength of block, brick, and mortar joints within an existing structure, e.g., load bearing walls.

·         Test polymer concrete and patching compound.

·         Quality control of precast elements such as block, brick slabs and pipe.

  • Calibration
  • The spring of this instrument has been selected for its ability to undergo many compression cycles with no loss of energy. However, it is recommended that the instrument be sent back to James Instruments (or an authorized distributor) for cleaning, recalibration, and replacement of the brass loading nut, at least once every year.




Windsor Pin™ System


Box of 40 pins with gauge for Windsor Pin™ system


18 lbs.(8.1 Kg)


17 x 12 x 6 inches (43 x 30 x 15 cm)




以上是美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪的详细信息,如果您对美国狈顿罢 JAMES W-P-2000 Windsor Pin混凝土强度检测仪价格、厂家、品牌、型号、图片、规范、规格、原理有疑问,或需要详细报价单、宣传册、中英文产物说明书,请点击我公司


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